Lights, Camera, Hooves – The filming of an upcoming Scoot Boot case study

Scoot Boot co-founders Annette Kaitinis and Dave Macdonald were in the limelight today, showcasing Scoot Boots and their depth of legal protection.

It was all part of IP Australia’s efforts to reinforce the need for businesses big and small to take the necessary precautions to protect their assets.

Just as well our CEO and co-founder Annette is a former barrister, making sure all our patents and trademarks are stitched up well globally.

“During the innovation process, patent protection is crucial in protecting your design to obtain exclusive rights to commercialise your product,” she says.

“Once your product is in the public domain, unless your patent is protected there is a risk of others using your IP. IP Australia provides all the information you need to start the patent process. In addition, engaging a Patent Attorney at the outset is crucial.”

Thanks to Lisa Cohen and her team for including Scoot Boot as a case study, and to the production team that flew down to Hobart today.

Thanks also to our special equestrian guests, Sharen White and Tristan Merrett, and their horses, Hullabaloo and Flynn.

With great teamwork and the beautiful backdrop of the Coal River Valley, it was a great day of filming – the IP Australia crew made it a blast.